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3D- Projekt im Historischen Museum Bielefeld

Antwerp carved altar of the Old Town Nicolai Church as a fascinating 3D model

500th anniversary of the Antwerp carved altarpiece from the Old Town Church of St Nicholas in Bielefeld


500 years of the Antwerp carved altarpiece from St Nicolaikirche in Bielefeld’s old town centre

The late Gothic carved altar from 1524 is one of the finest examples of Antwerp carving and painting from the early 16th century. With nine shrines in the carved central section and 24 panels on the inside and outside of the wings, the work measures 6.44 metres in width and 4.46 metres in height.

Antwerp reredos viewed and interpreted from an art historical perspective

During the restoration work in 2022, high-quality 3D images of the entire altarpiece were commissioned. To mark the anniversary, they will be made permanently accessible to the public in the Medieval Department of the Historical Museum in Bielefeld.

With this unique 3D project, we would like to bring the carved altar closer to our friends, art enthusiasts and the specialised public. On a multi-touch screen and with 3D glasses, the viewer can experience the fine details of the carved figures, their colourful polychromy and the fine paintings of the panel paintings up close. It is fascinating to immerse yourself in the High Gothic period, in this colourful and lively world and in its history.

The project was created in cooperation with the Historical Museum in Bielefeld, the Friends of the Old Town Church of St Nicholas FAN, the company F7-Digital from Leipzig, some photos and documentation that were taken during the restoration and a lot of commitment from individual friends of the altar. we would like to take you on this journey through time….. Please come along!

The presentation and premiere will take place on Friday, 13 September 2024 (from 11:00) on the premises of the Historical Museum in Bielefeld.


Saturday, 14 September 2024, 15:00 to 16:30. Speaker Dr Hanke Tammen will explain the significance from an art historical perspective. Restorer Ludmila Henseler will accompany the event and contribute her expertise to the subsequent discussion.

Behind the scenes// Conservation and restoration of the Antwerp carved altarpiece:

Sunday, 15 September 2024, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.: The speaker Ludmila Henseler (graduate conservator) together with Ute Westedt (graduate conservator)

They will give an insight into their work as restorers and invite you to a tour with explanations and subsequent dialogue

Location: Old Town Nicolai Church, Bielefeld

Further events can be found under: 500 years of the Antwerp Altarpiece – Evangelical Church District of Bielefeld (kirche-bielefeld.de)

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